Admission FAQs

1) Do I need to provide the original baptismal certificate?
No. Please submit a copy of your child’s baptismal certificate.
2) Does my child need to be baptized Roman Catholic to apply?
No. Saint Ignatius Loyola School accepts applications from families of all faiths.
3) What is your birthday cutoff date for application to PreK3, PreK4, and Kindergarten?

  • PreK3 applicants must turn 3 by December 31. Please note, students must be toilet trained by the first day of school.  
  • PreK4 applicants must turn 4 by December 31.
  • Kindergarten applicants must turn 5 by December 31. 
4) What can we expect at our assessment appointment?
Applicants to PreK3 and PreK4
Parents and children applying to PreK3 and PreK4 will have a school visit on Friday, January 10th at the School’s Lower Campus. You will be contacted with a specific time. Children will have the opportunity to play with various classroom materials, and interact with other children and teachers. 
Applicants to Kindergarten
Children applying to Kindergarten will take an in-person assessment. Testing will take place in January on the following dates: Tuesday, January 7th, Wednesday, January 8th, Thursday, January 9th, or Friday, January 10th. Once your complete application is received, we will contact you to schedule a specific date and time for your child’s assessment. There are three components to the hour-long assessment: play time, read aloud, and a one-on-one skills based test administered by a current Saint Ignatius Loyola School early childhood teacher. Parents are invited to attend a 30 minute meet and greet with school administrators while their child is being assessed.
Applicants to Grades 1 through 7
Applicants will take an in-person assessment on Friday, January 24th at 8:45 a.m. at the Upper Campus. There are three components to the assessment: math, writing and reading comprehension, all based on New York State Common Core Learning Standards. Students will be assessed on concepts and skills being taught in their current grade level. For example, if your child is applying to the Sixth Grade, he or she will take a Fifth Grade assessment. Current Saint Ignatius Loyola School teachers will administer the assessments which will take approximately one hour. All necessary testing materials will be provided. Calculators, cell phones, smart watches and headphones may not be used during the assessment. Children should not bring any food or beverages with them. While the children complete their assessments, parents are invited to attend a meet and greet with school administrators in McKinnon Hall. 
5) What is the application deadline?
PreK3 through Kindergarten: Thursday, December 12th 
Grades 1-7: Tuesday, January 24th 
6) May I submit more than one teacher recommendation?
Kindergarten: Yes, only as a supplement to the recommendation written by your child’s current teacher.
Grades 1-7: Yes, only as a supplement to the recommendation written by your child’s current math or English teacher.
7) How and when do you notify applicants?
PreK3 through Kindergarten: Parents are notified via email the week of January 20th.
Grades 1-7: Parents are notified via email the week of February 3rd.
8) Are personal recommendations required?
No, personal recommendations are not required.
9) May we defer an acceptance to the wait list?
No, you may not defer your acceptance to the wait list.
10) What are the requirements for application?
PreK3 and PreK4:
• Nonrefundable $235 application fee, or $335 if applying from abroad
• Baptismal certificate, if your child is baptized
• Immunization record
• One family photograph
• Completed applicant family questionnaire 
• Nonrefundable $235 application fee, or $335 if applying from abroad
• Baptismal certificate, if your child is baptized
• Immunization record
• One family photograph
• Completed applicant family questionnaire 
• One current teacher recommendation
Grades 1-7:
• Nonrefundable $235 application fee, or $335 if applying from abroad
• Baptismal certificate, if your child is baptized
• One current math or English teacher recommendation
• Most current and past two years reports cards and any standardized testing results
• Immunization record
• One family photograph
• Completed parent questionnaire 
11) How do I pay the application fee?
Families applying from within the United States should pay the application fee by submitting a personal check with the completed application. Checks should be made payable to Saint Ignatius Loyola School and be submitted to the school with the application either by mail or hand delivery to the Upper Campus located at 48 East 84th Street, New York, NY 10028.
If applying from abroad, please contact the admissions office for instruction. 
12) Is there an after school program?
Yes, we offer after school care from Monday through Thursday. Children will remain at school after dismissal. They must be picked up by 5:30 p.m. on the Lower Campus and 5:50 p.m. on the Upper Campus. We also offer after school clubs three times a year for Kindergarten and above. Club listings are posted in the Weekly newsletter. Clubs are dismissed at 4:30 p.m. 
13) What language is taught?
Latin is taught in grades 4 through 8.

14) Where do your graduates attend high school?

Graduates of Saint Ignatius Loyola School apply and are accepted to a wide range of high schools including top ranked schools in the Archdiocese of New York, independent Catholic and secular schools, specialized NYC public high schools, schools for the performing arts, boarding schools, and schools abroad. The full list of high schools to which the Class of 2024 were accepted can be found here. 


The Class of 2024 was awarded nearly four million dollars in merit scholarships.

(rev. 6/28/23)